WEIGHT: 59 kg
Breast: A
1 HOUR:80$
NIGHT: +40$
Sex services: Spanking, Sub Games, BDSM (receiving), Female Ejaculation, Cum on breast
We are glad to present you our Pornstar Escorts which You can meet for escort dates. To get more informations about an escort lady please click on the picture to view full profile.
What you have before you is a list of ravishing adult models who have decided to offer escort services to people as well.
But, unlike other pornstar escorts lists, our list is different. That is because of one simple reason. You see, pornstar escorts offered by our escort agency are a very wild part of the Prague escort scene. They are, if you want us to put it in simpler and more straightforward terms, some of the best Czech pornstars turned companions.
When you take that into consideration, as well as the fact that these starlets are hotter than hot, then you can safely conclude, as many others have, that these fantastic dolls are well worth your time. If you are daring enough to live out your boyhood dreams and go on a date with a pornstar, then these ravishing hotties can make your dreams a reality.
Their years in the adult entertainment industry have formed these ladies into a specific type of girls. You see, Czech pornstars, in general, have that special aura about them. They seem like normal girls who just like having fun. The same goes for these Prague pornstar escorts.